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Face Yoga Exercises: Easy Tips for a Fresh, Happy Glow!

What is Face Yoga?

Face Yoga Exercises are similar to working out your face muscles! Just like you exercise your body so that is stays strong, Face Yoga Exercises helps to keep your face fresh, relaxed and ready to smile.

Why Try Face Yoga Exercises?

It’s Fun and Easy: The Face Yoga Exercises can be done anywhere – at home, in the car or even at your desk. This makes you smile and it’s bound to.
Feel Good and Relaxed: Face Yoga Exercises can help you feel calmer and make your day a little better.
Freshen Up Your Look: Face Yoga Exercises works and many people feel they looked better and felt less tired, like a mini face massage!

Face Yoga Exercises Benefits

1. Feel Relaxed and Happy

A few moments to practice Face Yoga Exercises can help you feel back to being peaceful and refreshed, a nice break from a hard day.

2. Keep Your Face Muscles Strong

Face Yoga Exercises work the same way as lifting weights keeps your arms strong.

3. Look Fresh and Awake

Face Yoga Exercises helps some people appear more alert. Again think of it as a quick pick me up for your face!

Top Easy Face Yoga Exercises to Try

Ok, below are some simple face yoga exercises that will get you going. They’re quick, fun, and easy!

1. The Smile Smoother

How to Do It: Puff out your cheeks, press your lips together and smile gently.
Benefits: This Face Yoga Exercise eases your cheeks and relaxes your face.

2. Eye Energizer

How to Do It: But open your eyes wide as if you just saw something amazing!
Benefits: Finally here is this Face Yoga Exercise which works on the muscles around your eyes making you feel more awake.

3. Lion Face Stretch

How to Do It: Open your eyes as wide as you can, and stick your tongue out as far as you can.
Benefits: You know what, this Face Yoga Exercise is a little silly, but it’s great for releasing stress.

4. Jaw Relaxer

How to Do It: Press your lips gently together and pretend to chew with your mouth closed.
Benefits: This Face Yoga Exercise will reduce the tightness in your jaw.

5. Forehead Smoother

How to Do It: Beside this seek to raise your eyebrows with the help of hand placed gently over your forehead and touching to your eyebrows slightly press your hand under your cheeks and let your eyebrows move up and down.
Benefits: It helps smooth forehead lines and make your forehead muscles stronger.

6. Cheek Lifter